Education and knowledge must go hand in hand. Experiences are real-time class which helps acquire real knowledge. A formal curriculum and a time-bound education lay the foundation in one's pursuit to be knowledgeable.
Schools and college consume almost 18 yrs of our life on the planet. Both are important contributors towards building personality. As we climb each step, theory and practical life experiences keep filtering and polishing our character.
Over the years nature and character of education has changed with its own pros and cons. With manifold development in technology and expanding the accessibility of resources, education and information is now available at a click of a button. It has apparently made the human brain function at a lightning speed. Multidisciplinary learning systems has made education a wholesome and rich system, which is able to absorb almost types of learners.
Not only has the approach to basic education has changed it has also speed up the process of acquiring education. After completing basic education till class 12th, one can choose to take up two types of courses together. Regular graduation and job-oriented vocational courses can be done together. This saves valuable productive period of children and also help in becoming self-reliant at an early age. Not all are privileged, so this combination of studying 2 courses together is an advantage for them. Students can pursue graduation through distance learning programs and take up a vocational course in regular mode. Simple graduation like BA Distance Learning Delhi can be done and a regular vocational course of one’s own interest can be done together.
Elementary Teacher Training courses like NTT Course, NPTT Course, D.El.Ed course are a Regular vocational course which one can do after 10+2. These are skill-based pre-service teachers training courses and so they should be done in regular learning program. These teaching courses involve active learning and training period through internships, activities, micro-teaching, skill-based lesson planning etc. Along with this students can complete their basic graduation through Distance Course in Delhi in any stream of their choice. This combination of a regular and distance course helps in saving time and by making learner self-dependent and self reliant during early years of life. This gives one more time to experiment in job and acquire real life experiences and grow faster. Top NTT Institute in South Delhi conducts courses in elementary teachers training and also in professional teacher training courses like B.Ed course. B.Ed admissions in Delhi and elsewhere start each year in the month of July. Few universities admit students into B.Ed course after they clear entrance tests but MDU Haryana conducts Direct B.Ed Admissions on merit basis. This course can be done after Clearing graduation with minimum 50% total aggregate and one can do post graduation in distance learning mode for better teaching job opportunities at TGT and PGT levels.
In all technology has made education and knowledge acquisition mush more easier and economical.
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